Category: Cooking

How to cook rice without it sticking together(5 tips)
Today I will be taking you through 5 tips to cook rice without it sticking together.
Can you cook rice without cooking oil?
In this article, we will be answering some questions about adding cooking oil to rice, some of which are whether you should add oil to your rice and when to add oil to your rice.
Cooking rice in tomato sauce
In this article, I will be discussing how to cook rice in tomato sauce. If you want to find out, keep reading.
Can you shred raw potatoes to make mashed potatoes?
When making mashed potatoes without a potato ricer, you usually mash them by hand. And that does not always bring the expected result, sometimes you will miss some potato chunks.
Why boil water before adding potatoes, noodles or eggs?
some recipes will tell you to boil water before adding your potatoes, but why is this?
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