Category: Baking

Can aluminum foil keep food warm? (yes, but not quite)
Are you trying to keep the food warm but not sure if aluminum foil will be ideal for that? This post is for you. In this post, I will discuss whether aluminum foil can keep the food warm or not.
Should I cover brisket with foil in an oven?(yes, here's why)
In most recipes, brisket is typically covered with aluminum foil, but what if you don't cover it? In this post, we will find out whether you have to cover brisket in the oven or not.
Should you cover ham with foil when baking?(yes, here is why)
Usually, ham is covered with aluminum foil when baking, but what if you don't cover it, what will happen? Today, we'll find out the answers to these questions. In this post, I'll be giving some of the reasons to cover ham in a roasting pan when baking.
Foil vs parchment paper for baking fish
In this post, I'll be comparing aluminum foil and parchment paper when it comes to baking fish and finally pick the best one of them and explain why it's better than the other.
Should you cover meatloaf with foil when baking?
Aluminum foil does a great job of preventing the food from drying up in the oven, but the question is: should we use it for covering meatloaf? This is the question we'll be addressing in this blog post.
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